Max Tune, a long-standing client of BC Media, embarked on an exciting collaboration to produce a visually captivating video, introducing their venture into remapping electric and hybrid cars. Having established a solid
reputation in traditional internal combustion engine remapping since 2017, Max Tune recognized the need to adapt to the growing demand for electric and hybrid vehicles. The primary objective of the video was to generate awareness about
expansion into this emerging market, prominently featuring the vinyl-wrapped satin red BMW i8 development car.
The video aimed to achieve three key objectives. Firstly, it sought to raise awareness by creating an engaging and visually appealing narrative that would capture the viewers' attention. Secondly, the video showcased the
plug and play features of Max Tune's 'True Tune' product, emphasizing its compatibility with hybrid cars.
Lastly, the video's spotlight was on the BMW i8 development car, symbolizing Max Tune's commitment to innovation and staying
at the forefront of automotive technology. Through this collaboration with BC Media, Max Tune aimed to effectively communicate their new direction and capabilities to cater to the evolving automotive market.